Lack Of Good Music?

I've seen the occasional post or meme about the lack of "good" music these days. As a GenXer musician and teacher, I know enough not to judge the taste of younger generations. I remember a time when my own generation's musical tastes were being judged and questioned. However, I would like to address one point about the music industry that has changed for the worse and may have a role in the supposed decline of "good" music.

Today, there are limited opportunities for working musicians to earn a decent living by playing live. The consequences are that musicians have limited opportunity to improve, create, and compete between themselves. As a result, the general quality of music suffers. The more incentives there are through work, the greater the chance that "good" music (and good musicians) will be developed.

Many of the highest-skilled musicians today are attached to educational institutions. However, without a strong live music scene, the general public has limited opportunity to listen to them play.

I wish I had the time and energy to contribute to a local scene where musicians are paid fairly. Some inroads have been maid in Portland Oregon with the Fair Trade Music movement. However, it's been slow to be used as a model in other cities.